15 Oct 2014

Hoopa City


Hoopa City has been designed for children too young for the Minecraft-type apps. Children can design multiple worlds in a bright and cheery environment.

  • Ability to create and save multiple worlds
  • Endless creative play opportunities
  • Child-safe environment


High quality design elements create an environment where children can use their imaginations. Hoopa City is a happy place, the sun is always shining and the sky is blue, cheery music and adorable Dr. Panda characters we know and love from their many apps.


Hoopa City is more entertainment than educational; however, it does have subtle educational features. The building features are grouped by their functionality, such as all things related to roads are together. Children are able to unlock additional building features by guessing at combinations of unlocked features; an example of this would be choosing road and water options to create a bridge in the desired square. These options become more complex requiring multiple features.

The secret method for unlocking these additional building features is a cool concept, but can become frustrating for children and their parents. This feature needs to be simplified or guidance provided. An option to play with all of the items in the Building Glossary and Guide unlocked would still provide children with a challenge.


As with most open-ended creative play apps children will enjoy Hoopa City and all of the possibilities it provides. Changing how the Building Glossary and Guide is used will increase the entertainment children receive from this delightful app.


Changes made in a recent update make Hoopa City a good buy. The ability to create and save multiple worlds extends the value of this app. This feature allows families with multiple children the ability to have their own worlds. Tweaking the Building Glossary and Guide will help avoid or eliminate frustration for those not able to figure out the more complex combinations. Eliminating this frustration ensures children will return to the app.

Child Friendliness

The fact that Hoopa City does not contain text in the play area makes it a great app for a wide range of users. A little experimenting and users will quickly discover the multiple building features available. Modifying access to the more complex building features not only will increase the child friendliness of this app, but many of the other rating values also.

Developers of Hoopa City have tucked away options for parents in the settings of your device and in a protected parent section. We love to see apps with a child-safe play area.

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